
1. Background. The RC-26B mission is flown by the ANG in eleven different states and provides airborne imagery, on-board exploitation and limited dissemination to various ground components. The platform can also assume other homeland security missions. This aircraft is a highly mobile surveillance and reconnaissance platform with a small logistics footprint that rapidly deploys to contingency and counter-drug missions in all 50 states and OCONUS if necessary. RC-26B records evidence-quality full motion video, and high resolution still frame imagery for use by the law enforcement community, host nations, and other government agencies. However, the RC-26B still flies first generation electrooptical technology that is obsolete and unsupportable by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Newer sensors provide improved video resolution, advanced low light and nighttime capability, geo-referenced coordinates, and advanced auto-tracking capabilities that aid the evidence collection chain. This update includes removing the current pod, purchase of a forward looking infrared sensor, update of the control systems, and integration of the all sensors into the aircraft.

2. Requirement. Approved AF Form 1067.

3. Impact. If Not Funded. The OEM no longer supports the current gimbal, consequently, present and future taskings have been, and will continue to be severely impacted. Eventually, the system will no longer be supportable and the RC-26B capability will be lost.

4. Units Impacted. 115 FW Madison ANGB, WI 150 FW Kirtland AFB, NM 125 FW Jacksonville ANGB, FL 162 FW Tucson ANGB, AZ 130 AW Charleston ANGB, WV 174 FW Syracuse ANGB, NY 141 ARW Fairchild AFB, WA 186 ARW Meridian ANGB, MS 144 FW Fresno ANGB, CA 187 FW Montgomery ANGB, AL 147 FW Ellington ANGB, TX