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150th SOW News

  • 150th Medical Group conducts mass PHAs

    During the November Unit Training Assembly, the 150th Medical Group conducted mass physical health assessments for the unit. During the two days of drill, they processed more than 600 members.

  • A Century of Courage

    World War II veteran, retired Maj. James “Jim” Stark, was greeted by 150th Special Operations Wing members earlier this week to celebrate his 100th birthday on March 29, 2024. 

  • 150SFS VR Innovation

    150th Security Forces Squadron partnered with Street Smarts VR to bring in VR headsets and equipment for training. This partnership was made possible by using Squadron Innovation funds as more squadrons look for innovative ways to improve training efficiency while reducing overall cost.James Wendle

  • Big Box of Love Sponsorship

    Two New Mexico National Guard members work to distribute boxes of food and supplies to those in need. NMNG teamed up with Big 98.5 and Silver Horizons to supply the elderly residents.

  • Cyber Innovative Readiness Training 2023

    The New Mexico Air National Guard completed their second Cyber Innovative Readiness Training at Central New Mexico Community College.The NMANG partnered with the Air Force Reserve Component, United States Air Force, United States Space Force and the Marine Corps Reserve to develop and provide

  • Kirtland honors newly promoted chiefs

    The newest chiefs from Kirtland Air Force Base were recognized during a ceremony March 31 at the Mountain View Club. The five new chiefs, three from active duty and two from the Air National Guard, were joined by their families and coworkers to celebrate their achievements.

  • Rogers takes command of ANG Wing

    Col. Robert “Mike” Rogers assumed command of the 150th Special Operations Wing, New Mexico Air National Guard, during a ceremony here April 1, 2023. His previous assignment was commander of the 150th Operations Group.

  • Zamora leaves behind legacy of serving Air Force, New Mexico

    Lt. Col. Danny Zamora, 150th Special Operations Wing, New Mexico Air National Guard, retired during a ceremony Dec. 3, 2022, here. Zamora began his career as an enlisted Airman and finished as the deputy commander of the 150th Mission Support Group. He held many jobs and titles in his 33-year