March 29, 2024 A Century of Courage World War II veteran, retired Maj. James “Jim” Stark, was greeted by 150th Special Operations Wing members earlier this week to celebrate his 100th birthday on March 29, 2024.
Aug. 6, 2023 Cyber Innovative Readiness Training 2023 The New Mexico Air National Guard completed their second Cyber Innovative Readiness Training at Central New Mexico Community College.The NMANG partnered with the Air Force Reserve Component, United States Air Force, United States Space Force and the Marine Corps Reserve to develop and provide
March 23, 2021 Tech. Sgt. Raven Lopez Named Air National Guard Public Health NCO of the Year New Mexico native, Tech. Sgt. Raven Lopez, was named Air National Guard Public Health NCO of the Year. She was a part of the Cares Act team, oversees military members being returned to duty, runs the COVID-19 quarantine tracker and coordinates with the Army National Guard on coronavirus response.